Tasty Tuesday Meal Prep with Cali Roll Salad


Hi readers! I know, it’s been a long time since my last post. I have been busy working hard on my fitness, was cast and performed in an opera and just finished my busiest season at my day job. BUT I have been prepping weekly and trying new recipes for your enjoyment.

So I’m back with a vengeance for this week’s meal prep and healthy recipe. Let’s check it out!

Starting with the back, we have two bags of Shakeology, my favorite organic, low-glycemic index meal replacement shake in Chocolate and Vanilla. This helps fill me up, curb my cravings and is my favorite breakfast on the go! Plus it has 72 superfoods and vitamins, so I know I’m eating well. 20160522_224411.jpg

Next we have my California Roll Salad (recipe below!) that I concocted out of various Pinterest ideas with the 21 Day Fix Asian salad dressing. VERY filling and high in protein, my little creation tastes like a cali roll without the rice so it’s easier on your waistline. Next we have my “Bowl of Lies” spaghetti squash with TVP, mushrooms, roasted tomatoes and spaghetti sauce. I usually make 2-3 spaghetti squash at once so I can freeze these in individual portions and pull out for quick meals.


Next we have half a grapefruit, a Tofurkey, lettuce and cheese sandwich on whole wheat Sandwich Thins. Following are two servings of the Moroccan Carrot Salad, a tasty, CLEAN recipe I picked up while doing the 3-Day Refresh cleanse. Next to that, in green and white, is gnocchi in a lemon-wine sauce with mushrooms, broccoli and asparagus. Finally, we end on some blueberries. 🙂

The following row is all my fruit for the 5 workdays. On my eating plan I am allowed 2 servings of fruit a day, it’s hard to keep it to just that because I love sweet food, but I’ve learned that I can easily spend a whole day eating fruit and that is not good for the waistline.

Onto the new recipe! YAY! I bought a ton of imitation crab at a club store and froze it in 2 cup portions. So I’ve been getting creative with my uses. Here is my newest creation.

California Roll Salad


Ingredients: (for one large salad, I made two at once)

  • 1 cup imitation crab
  • 1-2 cups lettuce – leafy varieties like bibb and arugula work great
  • 1/2 cup shredded carrots
  • 1/2 cup sliced or diced cucumbers
  • 1/2 cup edamame
  • 1/4 – 1/2 avocado
  • 1 TBS sesame seeds
  • Optional: sliced or shredded nori

Wash, slice and combine the above into a salad!

If you are using for meal prep, be sure to eat the salad within 3 days of making and slice the avocado right before eating.

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21 Day Fix Approved Asian Salad Dressing:


1/2 cup rice vinegar
1/3 cup reduced-sodium Tamari soy sauce, gluten free
1 tsp raw honey or pure maple syrup
2 tsp freshly grated ginger
5 Tbsp toasted sesame oil

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  1. Combine vinegar, soy sauce, honey, and ginger in a medium bowl; whisk to blend.
  2. Slowly add oil while whisking; mix well.
  3. Store in the refrigerator, tightly covered, until ready for use.


**Interested in daily motivation, health tips and recipes? Connect with me at http://www.facebook.com/MotivationandMuscles

Message me to be added to a free, 5-day healthy eating challenge group where you will learn how to meal plan and prep like a pro! :)**